BOOKS By Doug Hiser
"Doug Hiser has the enthusiasm and sense of wonder of a child, the body of an athlete, a sensitive compassionate heart, and the resilience to keep getting up when life crashes over him like an avalanche. He is the author of many books, short stories, poems, children's stories, hundreds of paintings and drawings and amazing works of art in all media. Doug Hiser is a dynamic speaker and lecturer, a teacher, passionate about conservation, animals and trees, and as much as he dislikes concrete and cities he has found himself helpless to live too near the sprawling city of Houston, Texas."
"Doug Hiser is an author of several books and a professional fine artist of all media, illustration, sculpture, and collage. After winning the Houston Poetry Slam in 1993 he published three poetry chapbooks, SHARDS OF LIES, THE SEVEN RAGES, and WHISKEY MOON. He grew up in Santa Fe, Texas and graduated from the University of Houston CL as Student of the Year in 1996. His art adorns galleries and has won numerous awards. He is currently working on two new novels. He lives in Dickinson, Texas with his wife, Gayln, and their many birds. He enjoyed an instant of fame while appearing on the television show AMERICAN GLADIATORS in 1992. Doug and his wife are avid soccer players and love all sports."